
SEA Panamá

Asociación de Editores y Autores de Panamá


agosto 2016

Mexican Supreme Court of Justice rules on legislation relevant to the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty

IFRRO Logo-Jpeg-whiteoncolour-KristelNov06
On 18 March 2015, modifications to the Copyright Legislation in Mexico were made with the aim of adapting the existing legislation to the Marrakesh Treaty and the publication of texts for Persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled. Mexican copyright holders claimed that that the draft did not limit appropriately the formats of publications and the type of disabilities which were subject to the Treaty related exceptions, which, in turn, could open the door for unremunerated reproduction of copyrighted works beyond the intention of the Treaty, potentially causing serious damages to the publishing industry. The Mexican Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN) has now ruled in 5 different cases stating that the modifications introduced in 2015 are ineffective and unclear. It added the following precepts to provide clarity and protect the interest of the rightholders:
1) Published works protected by copyright can be used as long as their normal exploitation is not affected, therefore they need to be adequate to the accessible formats and the technology that are required for the different types of disabilities
2) The works can be used without the copyright holder permission and without remuneration
3) In all cases the source shall be mentioned
4) The content cannot be altered
The official communication from the SCJN on the matter is available in Spanish here (page 26).

Reunión del Comité Latinoamericano de IFRRO. Costa Rica, 2016.

Del 18 al 19 de mayo, en San José, Costa Rica, se llevó a cabo la reunión del Comité de IFRRO para América Latina y el Caribe. ACODERE, la entidad gestora costarricense de derechos reprográficos, fue anfitriona. El 18 se dedicó a una serie de reuniones y actividades con usuarios, titulares de derechos y autoridades, en cuya organización está trabajando ACODERE, y el 19 se llevó a cabo la reunión del comité. En la fotografía aparecen, de derecha a izquierda, Victoriano Colodrón de CCC (Estados Unidos), Nathalia Gómez Vargas CDR (Colombia), Olav Stokkmo (Secretario General de IFRRO), Ana María Cabanellas (Presidenta del Comité Latinoamericano de IFRRO para América Latina y el Caribe), representantes de CADRA (Argentina), María Fernanda Mendoza (consultora de IFRRO para Costa Rica y Panamá), Eduardo Benítez de SEA (Panamá), representante de CEDRO (España), Valeria Sánchez de CEMPRO (México), Carlos Wynter Melo de SEA (Panamá) y Óscar Castillo de ACODERE (Costa Rica).


Afiche Seminario derecho de autor F-01

Campaign in support of Turkish journalists

IFRRO Logo-Jpeg-whiteoncolour-KristelNov06

We have been asked by IFJ and EFJ to circulate to you details of their solidarity campaign with the Turkish journalists following the new attacks on press freedom and human rights in Turkey since the coup attempt on 15 July. They invite you to lend your support to their campaign.


Details of the campaign can be found here.


Best regards



James Boyd

Communication and Product development



+32 2 234 62 64 (Direct line)

+32 2 234 62 60 (Central)

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